Saturday, November 29, 2014

Everyday Experience. Post #5

                                                  Everyday Experience
At least one girl gets circumcised around the world in a day. This practice still remains popular in some culture. The girl may not want to participate in it however the decision is not for her to make. Her father and the society determines if circumcision should be performed even though most of the time there is no debate behind it. After the circumcision these girls experience health problems(pain, hemorrhage), emotional and psychological problems. The inhumane act sometimes makes women lose hope in life. They feel miserable, out of control and sad.  Based on the experience of Kezia Bianca- YWCA of Kenya, I can conclude that girls who get circumcised lose a part of themselves. The community gains control of them while they lose their dignity and control.

          Culture is a huge criteria for evaluating this inhumane act. Some people believe FGM if the proper way for them to welcome girls into womanhood in their culture. While some believe it is a rule in their culture that needs to be obeyed. Girls who get circumcised normally do not have a choice to refuse because they want to follow their culture rules. They agree to follow culture even though the pain they experience makes them feel miserable after. Culture makes female circumcision right.


  1. Even though this act is totally from what I experience with my culture there are still similarities. At the end of the day it's all the same because it's all about what the men want and women's opinions and voices aren't heard or taken into consideration. Women will always do whatever they can in order for society to accept them. But I feel like just because it was done in the past don't mean it's still right to do it now. Women should not let society and men take over their bodies especially if it's going to affect them for the rest of their lives like circumcision does.

  2. I had never heard of female circumcision until I came across your blog, so thank you for teaching me something new, yet disturbing. I can't believe something like this exists! It's not right at all, and it's even worse because it causes long-term health issues for the women. Keeping up with cultural tradition should not be a justified reason as to why something like this exists. This is just as crazy as how the Chinese used to bend and try to make women's feet smaller so that men would find them attractive and be worthy of marriage. It was brutal, and weird how women were deemed attractive or not by the size of their feet. Hopefully, nothing like this still exists, but since cultural tradition is so valuable, who knows?
